Signs You Should Consider Having A Brake Inspection Performed

A brake inspection can help a mechanic determine if your brakes need repairs. A brake inspection involves checking the brake pedal, disc or drum brake assemblies, brake lines, brake fluid and the parking brake. In some cases, your brakes may routinely be inspected, such as if you are having your car inspected before going on a long road trip. In other cases, you may bring your car to a mechanic specifically to have the brakes inspected because you think something may be wrong. Here are a few of the signs that something may be wrong with your brakes and you should consider bringing your car in for a brake inspection. 

You Hear Squealing or Screeching When Hitting Your Brakes

One of the most common signs that is indicative of brake issues in an automobile is squealing or screeching when using your brakes. This often happens as your brake pad or brake shoe begins to wear thin. For most vehicles, this is the first sign of potential brake issues and should not be ignored. Problems can only worsen if you ignore screeching or squealing in your brakes. 

Your Car Vibrates or You Feel Grinding When Hitting Your Brakes

Another sign that you need to have a brake inspection performed is feeling your car vibrate or even feeling a grinding noise when you hit your brakes. If your brake pads or brake shoes are not replaced when they start to wear out, the padding on the shoes or pads can run out. When this happens, all that is left on the pads or shoes is the metal, which can grind into your rotors, causing the vibration or grinding you feel. 

Your Brake Pedal is Soft or Goes to the Floor

Your brake pedal can go soft if you are low on brake fluid, if there is air in your brake fluid line or if your brakes need repair. If your pedal is soft, or pushes all the way to the ground, you need a brake inspection to determine what brake repairs need to be performed. 

You Notice Fluid Around the Wheel Region of Your Vehicle

Lastly, if you notice a yellowish or brown colored fluid around the wheel region of your vehicle, you should have a brake inspection completed. Yellow or brown fluid around the wheel area is indicative of a brake fluid leak. The leak needs to be found and repaired to ensure your brake system works as it is designed. 

If you hear squealing or screeching or feel vibration or grinding when hitting your brake, if your brake pedal extends to the floorboard or if you suspect you have a brake fluid leak, you need to bring your car to an auto repair shop for a brake inspection. This is the best way to determine if your brakes need repairs and to get the repairs you need before your brake problems worsen.

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Understanding Auto Service Tasks

Hello, my name is Josephine. Welcome to my website about auto service tasks. When my vehicle was stuck on the side of the highway, I was worried that it would never get fixed. The wheel was collapsed sideways on the ground, even though I did not hit anything along the way. I later found out that the ball joint had catastrophically failed upon merging onto the highway. My site will talk about auto services, like ball joint replacement tasks, in great detail. I invite you to visit my site on a regular basis to learn about the repairs your vehicle, whether old or new, may need.

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